Are Your Books in Order?

Integro Finance provides client accounting services in Lancaster, PA so you can get your books in order and enjoy peace of mind knowing they are error-free.

An illustration of a laptop with finance figures

Client Accounting Services

Access high-level CFO insights, day-to-day bookkeeping and impeccable accounting services.


Get bookkeeping help for any level of service including entering expenses, paying bills, receiving checks, and/or preparing deposits. Not to mention, we'll do it on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule - whichever works best for you!

It's time you enjoy clean and accurate books and get peace of mind knowing your books are error-free.

A woman sitting at a table with a laptop in front of her.


Does payroll stress you out? We'll enter time, prepare each payment, print the checks, and pay needed tax deposits.

We can also take care of quarterly services, year end filing, and necessary W2's for all your employees. It's time you know your team is getting paid and being taken care of.

A woman sitting at a desk and talking on the phone.


Missed entries are no fun and double entries are even worse! Hire an pro to review your cash and credit card statements and ensure your cash flow is properly recorded.

Additionally, for year end reconciliation, get a professional to ensure your W2's and 1099's are entered correctly and on time.

Shawn Hochstetler typing on a keyboard with a cup of coffee.


When your EBMS software isn't customized to you, things get clunky. We’re ready to help you customize your EBMS so you can enjoy efficient processes, automated systems, and a better workflow.

The result? You'll be empowered to enjoy an increase in productivity and efficiency like never before!

A man sitting at a desk typing on a keyboard.


Not knowing how to optimize your QuickBooks setup sucks. You know it can do amazing things and make your life simpler if you just knew how to use it right. But the problem is: you don't.

We offer QuickBooks services along with QuickBooks Online support and training.

A man working on a computer with a cup of coffee.

Employee Leasing

Tired of dealing with employee compliance jargon? We got you! We're ready to manage your employee compliance details. Plus, we can help you offer social security exemptions for your employees.

A group of people in an office talking to each other.
A woman talking on a phone and taking notes

Are you frustrated with your accounting setup?

Let's face it. Accurate accounting can feel stressful.

There are numbers to record, reports to keep an eye on, columns to reconcile, and the list goes on.

You hope the IRS won't come knocking and somehow, someway you cross your fingers and pray the numbers will just work themselves out.

Do any of these sound familiar?


Talk to an Expert

It doesn't need to be this way.

We offer reliable client accounting services in Lancaster, PA. More specifically, we're ready to do the dirty work of getting your books in order so you can get back to living with less stress.
A close-up of a handshake

Here are six ways to get your books in order:



Our bookkeeper will help you with all things bookkeeping including entering bills, payroll, balancing your books, and making sure everything is done accurately and on time.


Is payroll leaving you stressed? We'll enter time, prepare each payment, print the checks, and pay needed tax deposits. We can also take care of quarterly services, year end filing, and necessary W2's for all your employees.

It's time you enjoy peace of mind knowing your team is getting paid and being taken care of.


We’ll help you review your cash and credit card statements, making sure cash flow is accounted accordingly and entries aren’t missed or entered twice.

Plus, when it comes to year-end reconciliation, we ensure W2’s and 1099’s are entered correctly and on time.


When your EBMS software isn't customized to you, things get clunky. We’re ready to help you customize your EBMS so you can enjoy efficient processes, automated systems, and a better workflow.

The result? You'll be empowered to enjoy an increase in productivity and efficiency like never before!


Not knowing how to optimize your QuickBooks setup sucks. You know it can do amazing things and make your life simpler if you just knew how to use it right. But the problem is: you don't.

Get QuickBooks services along with QuickBooks Online support and training.

Employee Leasing

Tired of dealing with employee compliance jargon? We got you! We're ready to manage your employee compliance details.

Plus, if needed, we can help you offer social security exemptions for your employees.

Life is too short to stress over accounting.

With 40+ years of experience using EBMS and other accounting systems, we're ready to guide you to greater financial accuracy and consistency.

Specifically, we can help you enjoy:
- Custom reports
- Dashboards customized to what you want and need to see
- Automated manufacturing processes
- Payroll done on time
- Accurate books from January 1 to December 31, every single year!
Talk to an Expert

How it works

We help clean up
your books

Enjoy accurate accounting

Know your books are in order!

Ebms certified reseller logo.

Being EBMS certified and fluent in QuickBooks, we commit to giving you peace of mind knowing your books are in good hands and under watchful eyes.

Download the free PDF


TOP FIVE Bookkeeping MISTAKES pdf

that get Businesses in Trouble with the IRS. And How to AVOID them!

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Frequently asked questions

How will Integro Finance help my business?
Integro Finance will help you finally get your books in order and under control. The result? You'll be relieved of unwanted stress and your business will be protected from future IRS issues.
Why do I need Integro Finance?
Without accurate bookkeeping, your business could take a quick downward spiral at any moment. Sooner or later, IRS tracking will catch your errors, leaving you and your company to pick up the pieces.
What happened to Golden Rule Business's website?
We are excited to officially announce that Golden Rule Business Services recently joined the team at Integro!

Both companies’ visions and values are in close alignment with each other, making this an excellent fit for each other. This new change now allows the team to offer even further assistance on EBMS custom projects and other financial services!
What does this mean for previous Golden Rule Business customers?
While services will continue as before, customers now have an entire team of developers, EBMS experts, and service providers to draw from. You can now get assistance in services including marketing, custom software, human resources, and business coaching. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to reach out to us anytime!

Discover the TOP FIVE bookkeeping mistakes

that get businesses in trouble with the IRS, plus how to avoid them!

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