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Revolutionize Your Marketing with StoryBrand Marketing

Revolutionize Your Marketing with StoryBrand

Incoming leads, happy customers, consistently growing revenues and profits . . . 

It’s the stuff business dreams are made of. 

Unfortunately, to many business owners it’s just that—a dream. A storybook fantasy nothing like the harsh reality of keeping a real-world business afloat.

But what if it wasn’t just a dream? What if transforming your company into a thriving organization was easier than you think? What if all it took was this.

A solid and effective marketing strategy

The problem is that most marketing efforts are anything but effective. They also tend to waste a lot of money. But there is some good news. And turning those efforts around can be rather simple. All it takes is clarifying your company’s story. Here’s how.

How to Get Customers Interested in Your Brand

If you want to engage an audience, tell them a story.

People all around the world love stories. They’ll sit and listen, read a book, or binge Netflix for hours—without so much as needing a water or bathroom break.

That’s because there’s just something undeniably compelling about following a character through the trials of their journey. We can’t help but wonder if their quest will be a success or end in tragedy. And when you start to tell your customers stories, you’ll have their attention for as long as you like.

Creating a Marketing Plan using Integro's Marketing Blueprint

The Elements of Good Storytelling

When you begin to break down the elements of good storytelling, an underlying framework emerges.

These story elements are the basis of Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework of marketing. Miller’s promise is that by using these time-tested elements of story, you can seriously boost your bottom line. And it works. 

The key is to invite customers into a story. Their story. One that also happens to include your brand. When you do, they’ll naturally begin to envision themselves in that tale, waiting in anticipation to discover the role your business plays in their life.

The Basic Plot of Great Marketing

Here’re Miller’s basic plot elements to include in your marketing.

A character—the hero—is introduced. The hero wants something. But the thing is, there’s some problem getting in the way . . . which makes them feel a bit uneasy.  They’re not sure if they have what it takes to succeed.

However, all is not lost, and soon the hero meets a guide. The guide understands what they’re going through and is prepared to help the hero along their quest. The hero is given a plan and is called to action. 

At this point, the hero is on their way. If they are successful, the story ends happily ever after. But if they fail . . . well, we don’t want to talk about that.

You’ll notice this plotline is simple. It’s also extremely effective. And I’ll bet you know plenty of great stories that follow that exact outline. Now let’s learn how to use it to drive sales at your company.

Telling Your Customer’s Story

When using the elements of story to communicate your products and services, the key is positioning your customer—not your company—as the hero. 

This is where many marketing efforts fail. They talk about how great their products and services are and completely miss the mark on relating to the client. 

The thing is, the customer doesn’t really care how great your company story is. They care about solving their own problems. And you are simply here to help them do so. So, the bottom line is this.

Focus on your customers. Not your business.

How to Best Help Your Customers

Seeing things from your customer’s point of view helps you best position your company. You are here as the guide in their story. The helping hand along the way that instructs them in what they need to do to achieve success.

So your marketing should help clients see you as that guide. There are two main elements needed to do this.

  1. Empathy
  2. Authority

Let’s dive into each.

The Power of Empathy in Marketing

Empathy is marketing means showing you understand the client and their problems. According to Donald Miller, the client has not just one, but three distinct problems.

  1. The external problem
  2. The internal problem
  3. The philosophical problem

An example of an external problem would be a parent's vehicle breaking down. The internal problem is that they’re stressed out for financial and logistical reasons. And the philosophical problem is that they’re just trying to do the best they can for their family.

It’s worth noting that a key to good marketing is understanding that customers are most motivated to solve their internal problems. They want to resolve the uncomfortable feelings they have. Speak to those internal struggles in your messaging, and your customers will pay attention. 

The Easy Way to Prove You've Got The Goods

Once your potential client knows you understand the problems they face, you've got to prove you can solve them.

Fortunately, doing so is simple. Any of the following are great ways to prove authority quickly and effectively.

  • Customer testimonials and reviews
  • Pictures of finished products
  • Logos from businesses you’ve served
  • Number of years in business
  • etc.

Don’t overdo this step. Just check the box and move on to the next step.

Creating a Brandscript using a StoryBrand Marketing Plan

Every Hero Needs a Plan

In StoryBrand, the guide is the character that provides the hero with a plan. In other words, what they need to do in order to complete their quest.

In marketing, it means outlining how a customer goes about doing business with you.

While many companies use a three or four step plan, the key is keeping it simple. Something like “Give us a call, we’ll tow your car for free and have you road ready in 24 hours” is perfect.

A Story Either Ends in Success or Tragedy

One of the most potent ingredients in a story is suspense. Suspense is what holds the audience's attention all the way to the climactic ending. Everybody wants to know: will the hero succeed or fail?

Good marketing also uses a bit of suspense, as discomfort is what propels most of us into action. To do this, include a bit about what your clients have to lose by not doing business with you. 

For example, if a busy parent keeps driving around with that funny sound in the engine, they could break down on the road and maybe even destroy the engine. That’s not only a hassle, but also expensive—best to avoid all that.

Once you’ve briefly let them know what they have to lose without your services, it’s time to pile on the positivity. What are the benefits of doing business with you? What do they have to gain? What kind of guarantees can you offer?

Really lean into the good side and paint the picture of the happy ending.

Your Secret Weapon for Growing Your Business

At the end of the day, people want to live a story. 

By inviting your customers into a story—one where they are the hero and you help guide them to a better version of themselves—you'll captivate their imaginations and leave them wondering how their lives can be improved by doing business with you.

At Integro, we're passionate about helping businesses create effective marketing strategies. That means clear messaging, advertising campaigns that attract the right leads, and campaigns that improve your bottom line.

If you’re curious what that might look like for your company, give us a call. Your initial consultation is absolutely free and is just an opportunity to share about your company, your goals and the struggles you’ve been facing. 

After that, we’ll let you know how you can improve your marketing and leave you to make the right decision for your business in your own time. So don’t leave any more sales on the table. 

Take the next right step toward growing your business with a free call today.

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