
Human Resources
People choose a candidate

Hire the right person for your job opening

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High performers with conservative values are incredibly sought after and hard to find.

With staff shortages nationwide, hiring has never been more difficult. It is especially difficult to hire people with conservative values.
Companies no longer choose from a pool of applicants - instead, anyone looking for a job can choose where they want to work.

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Let’s find you the right candidate

Our proprietary cultural assessment system filters candidates to identify those with both conservative values and a track record as top performers. Honesty, work ethic, and reliability are the core values in professionals we seek to hire.

Our Risk-Free Guarantee
If a candidate we’ve placed leaves or terminates within 90 days, we will replace the candidate at no charge or refund 100% of your investment. This does not apply if termination is caused by either layoffs or a change in job description.

Comprehensive personality assessments

Through a series of questions and references, we create a profile for each potential candidate.

Background Vetting

Our vetting process includes looking into their work history and conducting personal interviews to find the high performers.

Risk-Free Guarantee

It's on us if the candidate we placed fails to follow through.

How to recruit great people for any job

Recruiting a world-class team requires a process of articulating your core values, making sure your company functions according to those values, and then creating a job description that attracts candidates who embody your core values.

Learn more with a free consultation

Talk to an Expert

Make a hiring request

Send us a job description if you have one. If you don’t, we’ll help you create one. Simply send us the job requirements such as previous experience, skills, and job location. We’ll create a compelling job description to attract top performers.


We vet your company

We find great candidates for great companies. There are requirements that every company must meet before we post a job opening. Before we post a job, we examine your company culture to make sure it has all the components necessary to attract high-performing employees.


We find you high-performing candidates

Each candidate is screened for competency in the position. Plus, we look for individuals who will fit well with your company culture while upholding our core values: honesty, dependability, and work ethic. You will receive hand-picked candidates. Lastly, we facilitate any interviews so you can determine if the candidate is a good fit.

Learn more with a free consultation

Talk to an Expert


Your company culture is the most important thing. The wrong hire can destroy it.

Scott Lengacher

Vice President of Human Resources

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