Get DISC Training to Cultivate a Unified and Equipped Team

Host a DISC workshop and watch your team win in today's marketplace!

A unified team makes work so much more enjoyable.

How unified is your team?

Do any of these sound familiar?


schedule a disc workshop today!

We get it.

As a leader in your workplace, it’s your job to help both resolve conflict and cultivate unity within your team.

Yet too often, you lack the needed resources. You never realized running a business would include so much team management and straight up conflict resolution.

The result? You often feel frustrated and stuck.

INTEGRO Coaching

It doesn’t have to be this way! Thanks to DISC, you can now discover insightful ways to work through conflict and ultimately lead a thriving team.

Inside the DISC assessments, you’ll discover four main personality types. Via these personalities, you’ll learn to better understand yourself while also helping each of your employees better understand themselves. What was once a disengaged team will transform into a unified and fully engaged team!

Prepare to be amazed at the impact one simple - yet vital - tool can have on you, your team and the future of your business.

How it works

Host a DISC
Complete and discuss assessment results with your team
Lead a unified and engaged team!

Meet the coaches

Leading a mediocre team is frustrating. These coaches are ready to equip your employees to be their best selves both in and away from the workplace.
Profile photo of Brian King Life Coach at IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources
Brian King
Brian is energized by empowering people, through life coaching, to go beyond what they think they can do to what God has in store for them. From the perspective of coaching and being coached, Brian is excited about the role coaching can play in helping people achieve their potential in their personal life, in the business world, and/or in ministry.
Profile photo of Ephraim Beiler life coach of IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources
Ephraim Byler
Ephraim is excited about working with people, drawing out individuals’ strengths, and helping them achieve their full potential. He has seen how life coaching empowers people to turn the big and unknown parts of life into small and achievable action steps, and eventually into reality.

Meet the coaches

Leading a mediocre team is frustrating. These coaches are ready to equip your employees to be their best selves both in and away from the workplace.
Profile photo of Brian King Life Coach at IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources

Brian King

Brian is energized by empowering people, through life coaching, to go beyond what they think they can do to what God has in store for them. From the perspective of coaching and being coached, Brian is excited about the role coaching can play in helping people achieve their potential in their personal life, in the business world, and/or in ministry.
Profile photo of Ephraim Beiler life coach of IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources

Ephraim Byler

Ephraim is excited about working with people, drawing out individuals’ strengths, and helping them achieve their full potential. He has seen how life coaching empowers people to turn the big and unknown parts of life into small and achievable action steps, and eventually into reality.
Profile photo of Brian King Life Coach at IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources

Brian King

Brian is energized by empowering people, through life coaching, to go beyond what they think they can do to what God has in store for them. From the perspective of coaching and being coached, Brian is excited about the role coaching can play in helping people achieve their potential in their personal life, in the business world, and/or in ministry.
Profile photo of Ephraim Beiler life coach of IntegroINTEGRO Human Resources

Ephraim Byler

Ephraim is excited about working with people, drawing out individuals’ strengths, and helping them achieve their full potential. He has seen how life coaching empowers people to turn the big and unknown parts of life into small and achievable action steps, and eventually into reality.

Meet the instructors

These instructors are DISC certified and equipped to take your team from struggling and dysfunctional to thriving and engaged.

Jonas Stoltzfus

He's an experienced business coach skilled in getting teams to work together in healthy and sustainable ways. Specifically, Jonas loves empowering individuals to better understand themselves so they can live in greater unity with the people around them.
Dan Lap

Dan Lapp

He's spent over 20 years in non-profit leadership roles, he's helped start three non-profits, and today he's a partner in two different companies. When it comes to creating and leading thriving and vibrant teams, Dan knows what it takes to get the job done.

Jonas Stoltzfus

He's an experienced business coach skilled in getting teams to work together in healthy and sustainable ways. Specifically, Jonas loves empowering individuals to better understand themselves so they can live in greater unity with the people around them.
Dan Lap

Dan Lapp

He's spent over 20 years in non-profit leadership roles, he's helped start three non-profits, and today he's a partner in two different companies. When it comes to creating and leading thriving and vibrant teams, Dan knows what it takes to get the job done.


Basic DISC training

Via DISC profiles, learn to better understand your team and the people you work with. As understanding increases, you’ll notice a steady decline in tension and stress while productivity and synergy take a welcome spike.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Team chart
    (via a discovery report)
  • Fun book
  • 1.5 Hours of training


for up to 10 people

*$55 per person for each additional person.___________________________

Extended DISC training

Get everything in the Basic DISC training package. Plus, discover how each team member can and will interact with other team members who have different styles and ultimately, create a healthy and thriving team.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Team chart
    (via a discovery report)
  • Fun book
  • Team Dynamics book
  • 3 Hours of training


for up to 10 people

*$75 per person for each additional person.___________________________


Frequently asked questions

What does DISC stand for?
DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance (oftentimes referred to as Conscientious). The DISC assessment explores these four different behaviors and shows which ones are stronger or weaker in an individual.
What’s the DISC model?
The DISC model is based on four types of behaviors common among people (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness). Specifically, the DISC model reveals which behaviors are stronger or weaker in an individual.
Who created DISC?
DISC was first created in 1940 by a man named William Moulton Marston. He presented the DISC model in his book Emotions of Normal People.
How long does the DISC assessment take?
The assessment takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your score is delivered immediately after the test is taken.
Why should someone take the DISC assessment?
Taking the DISC assessment will enable you to better understand your strengths, weaknesses, ability to communicate, decision making skills, and so much more. You’ll become more equipped in every area of life, whether that’s work, home life, or someplace in between.

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